Originally shared by J Agnew

Hi Ploos Fam. This is new for me but I have a favor to ask. In April I’ll be participating in the American Lung Association’s Fight For Air climb here in Tampa. It’s a race to the top of the Bank Of America building in downtown Tampa. 42 floors. 912 steps.

Restrictive lung disease is one of the physical challenges my gorgeous wife overcomes every day. As with all of my races I Run Because She Can’t but this one hits closer to home. I have to raise $100 minimum to participate. I’ll gladly pay it but I’d like to blow that amount out of the water. Anything would help. If everyone who saw my link threw down a dollar we’d crush it. If you can’t donate I’d appreciate sharing the link to my donation page.

Thank you muchly. You’re awsome.

So……these are kick ass little girls….they played our street faire tonight and massively kicked ass.

So……these are kick ass little girls….they played our street faire tonight and massively kicked ass.

Singer is 12, I think.

Guitarist is 13.

They shred.

See Eric Milliken feed for video taken tonight.

He’s a dork, but a gud guy.

They covered many songs, and played original stuff as well.

They’ve been kicked out of four street faires for playing too loud, and then got asked back…they wrote a song called “They all come crawling back”.

They booked two gigs tonight.

Girl power FTW.